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Friday, April 09, 2010

Crown Jewels

Returning to an earlier theme of crazed book titles, it's amazing what you can find when you google a couple of random words... penis.

It got me thinking though, who are the people who write these books?  They are so niche, so specific and with a comedy title like this it's almost as if someone did it for a bet.  I have an image of some guy, on the piss with his mates - he starts riffing on the subject of his cock - he's just come back from the loo, he was contemplating giving it a good tug but realised that was a bit rude and besides his pint would get warm - so he starts off on a linguistic journey, his mates getting into it until one of them goes "that'd be a great title for a book".  We've all done it - you're taking the mick but soon enough you're discussing chapters and content, pictures, practical applications.  At this point most of us go home, eat leftover pizza, fall asleep on the sofa, wake up with a hangover and the desperate need for some painkillers and a tongue like the back end of a cow. 

But some people, they don't do this - they remember, they write it down and spend months researching until they come up with a book - in this case, a book with a rather large picture of a dick poking through a rather suitably placed 'O'.  At least, that's the only explanation I can find for a book like this.  And despite all this, is it wrong that I find myself slightly aroused?  It probably is...

Either way: here's the gen on it:
Looking at the reviews, it actually looks really interesting!  I  now kind of want it... and not just for the throbbing member on the front cover.

Note: see also 'How to live with a Huge Penis' - on the 'Customers who also bought'. 

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